Looking for eye surgery options?
We’ve listed the most sought after treatments down below for you.
When it comes to eye surgery and eye care there are many options for different conditions. With modern lifestyle factors contributing to the rise of conditions such as Glaucoma and Myopia, it’s crucial to seek professional advice and consult optometrists every once in a while to ensure your eyes are well looked after.

Lifestyle factors
Equally important is preventative care. For example, avoiding UV rays, staring at the sun, or exposing your eyes to harmful chemicals. Equally, and assuming you haven’t already, consider switching to a diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E, alongside omega-3 fatty acids. This will all help go a long way in keeping your eyes healthy.
What is important to note here is that sometimes eye health is closely linked with other aspects of health and well-being. These very conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and others, can alter one’s vision. That is why you would do an eye test from time to time to detect problems related to vision, but also help you detect potential health issues.
Eye surgery
If you have an eye condition that is difficult to live with, there are plenty of treatments available. For example, LASIK surgery, which stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, is a surgical treatment aimed at correcting poor vision. This is a popular option for those who wish to live without relying on glasses or contact lens.

Using the links on this page you will be able to learn about different treatments for different eye conditions. As well as cosmetic procedures addressing eye bags, dark circles, and wrinkles. Our curated articles will provide you with insights on how to help you make informed decisions about your eye health and appearance.
Eye surgery procedures & costs
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common questions we receive about facial surgery. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Am I eligible for eye surgery?
Although the vast majority of patients seeking eye surgery are eligible, there are some factors to consider when looking for an eye surgery treatment. For example if you are pregnant or under 18, you wouldn’t be eligible for eye surgery.
Likewise, if you have an existing eye condition such as Glaucoma, you must treat this before considering other types of eye surgery. There could be other factors that may impact your eligibility, and as such, we recommend you consult a professional to evaluate your individual case.
Does eye surgery hurt?
Generally the procedures do not hurt. For context, your surgeon will administer numbing eye drops before a laser eye surgery or inject general anesthesia before the procedure so you’ll feel no pain. You may feel discomfort during surgery but this is a common occurrence for most plastic surgeries.
How long does it take to recover from an eye surgery?
The answer will vary on the type of eye surgery you go for. A typical eyelid surgery may take around 2 weeks to heal, whereas a LASIK eye surgery may only take around a week. That being said, the full recovery process typically takes between 3-6 months for vision to stabilise and reach 100% of its potential.
What should I ask my surgeon?
- Do they specialise in eye surgery? Or do they offer various kind of surgery.
- How many years of experience do they have?
- Are they accredited with the relevant governing bodies (Royal College of Ophthalmologists, American Board of Ophthalmology)?
- Do they have online reviews and testimonials?
Are there financing options for these treatments?
In many cases, surgeons in the UK and North America do offer financing options for their patients. However, these will vary from clinic to clinic so we encourage you to ask or find out online.